
Imagine supporting a community that brings hope, resources, and support to families navigating the challenges of 1p36 deletion syndrome. By donating to 1p36 DSA, you're not just giving money—you're contributing to essential resources and heartfelt outreach programs that make a real difference in the lives of those affected by this rare genetic disorder. Your generosity fuels the fight for better treatments and enhanced quality of life for our children and loved ones. Join us in our mission to transform lives and offer a brighter future. Your contribution, no matter the size, has the power to create lasting change. Let's make a difference, together.

1p36 Deletion Support & Awareness relies heavily on the generous donations from our supporters. Our organization is run solely by unpaid volunteers, and we take pride in being fiscally responsible with all donations. 1p36 Deletion Support & Awareness is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit for tax purposes.

For check or money order donations, please send to:

1p36 Deletion Support & Awareness
906 NE Greenwood Ave. Suite #1
Bend, OR 97701