Raise money for 1p36 Deletion Support & Awareness when you search and shop online!
Raise a penny (or more!) for our organization every time you search the web. iSearchiGive.com is a search engine powered by iGive.com, the internet's first online shopping mall where a portion of each purchase is donated to your favorite cause. Over 900 of the web’s best stores participate in this free program, and up to 26% of each purchase benefits our cause!
- Totally free
- No hidden fees
- No limits
- Monthly donation checks
1. Join iGive.com to support 1p36 Deletion Support & Awareness. It's free, safe, and easy to join. Use the link www.igive.com.
2. Shop through iGive.com's online mall
The iGive Mall features over 900 trusted online retailers like Amazon.com, Staples, Nordstrom, JCPenney, Expedia.com, Barnes & Noble, QVC, & PETsMART to name just a few! You'll NEVER pay more when you reach these stores through iGive.com. And if you take advantage of the coupons and free shipping deals posted at iGive, you might even save a few bucks!
3. Watch the $$ roll in for 1p36 Deletion Support & Awareness!
4. If you make your first purchase within 45 days of signing up you will get a bonus $5 donation to 1p36 Deletion Support & Awareness.
5. You can also install the iGive Button for your web browser to make sure that you always remember to shop using igive.